Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winnekenni 4 mile snowshoe race

The Epic run from Beverly to Gloucester that was planned with a group of North Shore runners got cancelled due to the snow coverage. Brett Rickenbach talked about snowshoe running during a recent run so we wanted opted for that to take advantage of the rapidly melting snow. Dave Dunham gave the green light of a fun run snowshoe event at Lake Winnekenni in Haverhill so we went. Greg Putnam and Dave set up the course. Someone from Granite State Timing showed up with a clock and another gent arrived to volunteer his time to record results. Six of us were on the start line. I jumped in the back after we started the run to feel out the pace and snow conditions. The snow was heavy and wet. The depth varied from zero to a foot in one section. I moved slowly up behind Greg and past him before we reached the top of the hill where the castle was (2.5 miles?). I was tentative because I knew he was already out on the course working hard with Dave to mark the course. The good thing is that he knew the course. He had to call my attention when I varied away the course a few times. He even waited for me after I went beyond the course. A gentleman and a scholar (he is a teacher). I was debating what to do and how to finish the race based on his professionalism. It was a fun run and left it at that finishing a few seconds in front of Greg. I hope that Greg does a few more races this winter as I think he will be very good at it and a competitive master. Dave, Brett, and Melissa followed. The Granite State guy who brought the clock walked in from the other end and called it a day. The first snowshoe for this season is in the books. Brett and I helped Dave pick up the mile markers and hundreds of flags. We had breakfast at Heavenly Donuts (awesome Cinnamon Rolls) down the road.

Full results

Resting after the race at Lake Winnekenni
Photo by Dave Dunham

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