Foot prints in cinder to run away from Dan. Photo by Kristen Kozlosky and her iPhone |
I tried to drum up interest to get some bodies over to the Dory Run in Swampscott all weekend. The race is about three miles from my house. My goal was to break 17 flat and would need the company to do so. Dan Verrington gave word that he was going to the race. Ben Strain (Dory Run champ last year) pushed a baby stroller on Saturday at 6:30 pace and was not sure if he'd recover for Monday. Joe Shairs had no interest in the course (yeah it has a few hills) and John Ayers was unavailable. My friend, Patrick Taylor, was game for a 5K. He manages to run sub 7:00 mile pace in a 5K with zero training. Krissy's running club, North Shore Striders were hosting the race so she volunteered to help out. Patrick, Krissy, and I got to the race an hour before it started. The race is a bargain at a twenty spot at race day registration. I warmed up on the course with Dan Verrington and lined up at the starting line on Humphries Street in the welcomed shade. I was glad to see Ben on the starting line, knowing he'd set the pace. He took command in the first 400m. He pulled Dan and I along. I clocked in at 5:31 through mile 1 in third place. Along for the ride was a youngster who matched Ben stride for stride. He dropped Ben shortly after said mile. I managed to get by Ben before 2 miles but had no chance to catch the kid ahead who now had a 10 second lead. Dan caught me with about 1K to go. His company was appreciated as we pushed together down Humphries Street and into the right hand turn onto the cinder, square shaped track. I managed to gain a few strides ahead of Dan to finish second overall with a time of 17:14. The kid ahead ran 17 flat. Ben rolled in at 17:33 while Patrick ran sub sevens to run his 2nd fastest 5K. I picked up a North Face gift certificate at the awards. On my way back to the car, I caught up with the winner, Matt Mahoney, a sophmore at Swampscott High. He ran a 9:59 two mile at a state meet the previous weekend to end his spring track season. His preference is for cross country and aims to hit up a few races at Lynn Woods this summer. I hope to have a few more battles with him.