On my radar to run with Katie, Todd, and Nick for at least 3 out of the 5 10K loops within Bradley Palmer. Matt Viega was in the group too. Weather was great for January. Little mud, maybe degrees when we finished? They dropped me before the end of the 2nd loop aid station. I caught Katie and Todd on the 3rd. Todd and another went by and exited the aid station quickly into the last loop. They stayed within scope for a few miles. Inched by Todd and the other guy at the end. I ran past the finish line clock thinking there was an out and back to get extra for a 50K but Todd said no so we stopped at 30.3 miles. Who knows? 50K? GPS loss? 4:05:15 or so, low 8 minute pace per mile. Distance-wise, my longest single run. I ran 30 miles in Lynn Woods a few years ago but much slower.

So, I did stop at at the aid station area (we set up at the clock to be closer to the course). My right calf endured cramping in the 3rd loop, more in the 4th. Talked myself into the last lap with Nick and Todd going too. Last lap was a mental game while still running in slow motion and worrying about cramping.
Here are my fueling notes for the day and recap that I put down in my notes following the race while it was fresh:
Pre-race: Cliff Bar, Coffee at 6AM. RedBull at 8:20, Pick
Juice and Hot Shot at 8:45.
Race started at 8:58
End of loop 1 – no drink or fuel but had 6 salt stick pills
1 HotShot and a Pickle Juice waiting for me at the aid station. I waited for
group to get a drink or fuel. Maybe 30 seconds spent there?
End of loop 2 – I ran over to my truck in the parking lot,
25 yards off the course. I drank half of an Arizona Iced tea, taking down two
Endurolytes. I brought one Shot Shot and Pickle Juice to my station at the time
clock. Started to lose ground to Nick, Todd, and Katie – all now single file in
the last mile before getting there. I lost a minute to them in the aid station.
Loop 3 – light calf cramps came on. Caught Katie before
the fields. She said she was stopping after that lap. Could see Todd up ahead
on the carriage road. I started to push ahead. Caught him but kept distance in
the single track. Passed him on the carriage road where I had room. Motivated
to go for two more loops because of position and had fuel waiting. Took two
salt sticks, finished iced tea (1/3rd) and took half of Todd’s can of coke left
behind. Tossed a sandwich bag with two Salt Stick pills in the back of my
shorts (so I thought, see below).
Loop 4 – took time at my aid station, Todd and Brendan (met
him after the race) passed me there and got a good jump. Cramp in right calf
worried me. I stayed steady to keep cramps away. Kept Todd in sight while the
red jacket runner (Brendan) moved about the same cadence but had 90 seconds on
me. Fought on the stone dust with my
sandwich baggie to get two salt-stick pills. The bag was falling down my ass crack.
In the attempt to pull them out with frozen hands, I broke one but washed it
down with my HotShot that I carried. Closed on Todd prior to field. He was hurting,
cheered me to continue forward. I could see the red jacket (Brendan) ahead on
the carriage road. I pushed from the top of the hill to the bottom. Closed in
but kept distance at entrance of the single track which had some elevation up
and down. I lurked during single track but focused on staying upright. I was very
tired. Mud was muddier now that several runners have gone over it for hours. Again,
focused to stay on feet. Got close, maybe 10 seconds to Brandon on the carriage
road back to field but was worried about cramping or falling. Caught Brendan on
the field before the parking lot and ran through finish. I thought the 50K
finish had an out and back to the clock. I got to the wading pool where I
stopped and turned back as Todd was wondering what I was doing. Todd said we
were done. 30.3 miles. Sounds good!
Fat Ass 50K Race - 19th annualSaturday January 5, 2019Held at Bradley Palmer State Park, Topsfield, Mass.
The 19th GAC Fat Ass did not disappoint. Great January weather, possibly a record turnout, and good running conditions. Thanks to everyone that helped make this event special. Hope to see you for # 20. See you on the trails and stay well.
Roger Martell Sr. RD
Complete Results for 50 KM finishers
1 Pat Coran 3:23
2 Brian Burke 3:49
3 Nick Taormina 4:03
4 Brenden Burke 4:05
5 Jim Pawlicki 4:05
6 Todd Callaghan 4:05
7 Matt Curran 4:08
8 Gregory Lowe 4:25
9 Derek Cavatorta 4:30
10 Rowley Brucken 4:32