August 9, 2014
This is how I roll - about to jump into the run in Asbury Grove |
The weekend was clear (free to race) and always wanted to do
this duathlon (2.4 mile run, 9.0 mile bike, 2.4 mile run)from Asbury Grove.
Roger Perham and Asbury Grove host the event. You can’t beat this event which
cost just $10 (used to be $5). A little more thought in terms of preparation must
go into an event like this from an athlete point of view. One must ensure all
gear, bike, clothing, hydration, et cetera is in order. I really don’t know
what I am doing out there so just went with the flow in terms of effort. In
doing so, I led through the first run, 2.4 miles. – 13:24 and transitioned into
my shoes to clip into the bike. Meanwhile, 2nd place, Jeffrey
Capoianco, flew past on his bike. I never saw him again as he traveled the next
9.7 miles (full bike distance) on the bike at a 24.4 mph clip. Pretty fast. The bike is not my strength
and I don’t pretend. I just pedaled and assumed a few athletes would pass me. We
biked past Bradley Palmer State Park, Willowdale, and Turner Hill. There were a
few hills but not too bad. Two athletes did pass me and one included friend,
Brett Rickenbach with a few miles to go before we would transition into the
last 2.4 mile run. The bike portion took me 31:01 with an average speed of 18.8
mph (6th overall). I reeled Brett in after a mile on the run taking
over third place. I ran out of room but was gaining on second place, Shane
Sherwood. I finished 3rd overall (58:01) but again had the quickest
time for that run (13:46). It was fun and hard at the same time. Meanwhile,
Krissy finished her first ever duathlon. She rocked it. We had a nice pancake
breakfast inside the Grove and then paid a visit with the Rich family. It was a
good day and nice way to start the vacation.